
This study aims to understand the historical role of female participation in the labor market, as well as the articulation between domestic and paid work. The starting point was the following question: how are the relations between gender inequalities and the difficulties of women in the articulation between domestic work and paid work established? In this way, this research is justified by the observance of the reality regarding the double shift, or even triple shift, of Uruaçu women, in which the concomitant of paid work with domestic chores is verified, and in many cases, still, the study . The article in question is a field research and an exploratory bibliographic research, developed with a sample of 50 women, in the urban area of ​​Uruaçu, chosen at random, through a questionnaire of 16 questions, objective and subjective. , with the purpose of investigating whether Uruaçu women also share this double journey. It is concluded, then, that greater investments in public policies are necessary in order to guarantee labor valorization, even in terms of social security rights, since this number of hours worked by women are not accounted for for retirement purposes.

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