
The scientific article is a study on the history of the creation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The article presents an analysis of the history of the creation and development of the IFJ. The authors pay special attention to the reasons and prerequisites underlying the emergence of the International Federation of Journalists, as well as expand the data on the creation of the IFJ. The study draws attention to the circumstances that led to the establishment of the IFJ in the post-war period. Special attention is paid to the influence of geopolitical factors on the formation and development of the organization. The consideration of the reasons for the split of the MOJ includes differentiated approaches and strategies adopted by various participating countries, in particular, in the context of the professional activities of journalists. The data on the current state of affairs of the Russian Union of Journalists as part of the International Federation of Journalists are presented. The research methods used include historical analysis: the study of historical documents, archival materials, protocols of congresses related to the creation and development of the IFJ. A content analysis of the texts of articles, statements and reports related to organizations was carried out in order to identify key topics, approaches and dynamics in their activities. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that there are very few such materials in the scientific literature devoted to the history of journalism in Russia, and they mainly concerned the regions of Russia and the development of regional journalism. The main conclusion of this study is the understanding that currently non-governmental international organizations formed on the principles of professionalism are changing and becoming similar to political organizations, which in turn can lead to a split in these organizations and the termination of their existence. After Russia launched a special military operation in February 2022, the unions of journalists of Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland announced their intention to leave IFJ due to the presence of the national Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation in it. In February 2023, despite the fact that the organization claims that it is not connected with politics, but is exclusively engaged in protecting the rights of journalists, the IFJ "froze" the membership of the Russian Federation in the organization. It will be possible to return to the issue of Russia's return to work as part of the International Federation of Journalists only in 2026, if necessary.

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