
Eating mushrooms known to contain amatoxin is fraught with serious complications. The analysis of the relevant literature publications revealed no article with the description of the histological picture of the internal organs in the subjects intoxicated with amatoxin. It is known, however, that such poisoning is associated with the severe irreversible injuries to all intracellular protein structures the character of which depends on time. Specifically, acute amatoxin intoxication produces the well apparent clinical picture within 6 days after intake of the poison. It is characterized by acute renal and hepatic insufficiency in the combination with the injury to the conducting system of heart and the myocrardium itself. Thereafter, the disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome developed accompanied by the signs of progressive tissue hypoxia that ended in death on day 9. The histological study has demonstrated necrotic foci in the liver and oedematous hepatic stroma. Kidneys underwent multiple hemorrhages, necrosis of convoluted tubules and well apparent hydropic protein dystrophy of their epithelium. The adrenal glands showed up signs of necrosis and hemorrhage. It is concluded that poisoning with mushrooms (amatoxin) should be regarded as the most probable cause of the condition requiring differential diagnostics between acute gastroenteritis and renal insufficiency.

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