
The HEMS Beamline at the German high‐brilliance synchrotron radiation storage ring PETRA III is fully tunable between 30 and 250 keV and optimized for sub‐micrometer focusing. Approximately 70 % of the beamtime will be dedicated to Materials Research. Fundamental research will encompass metallurgy, physics and chemistry with first experiments planned for the investigation of the relationship between macroscopic and micro‐structural properties of polycrystalline materials, grain‐grain‐interactions, and the development of smart materials or processes. For this purpose a 3D‐microsctructure‐mapper has been designed. Applied research for manufacturing process optimization will benefit from high flux in combination with ultra‐fast detector systems allowing complex and highly dynamic in‐situ studies of micro‐structural transformations, e.g. during welding processes. The beamline infrastructure allows accommodation of large and heavy user provided equipment. Experiments targeting the industrial user community will be based on well established techniques with standardized evaluation, allowing full service measurements, e.g. for tomography and texture determination. The beamline consists of a five meter in‐vacuum undulator, a general optics hutch, an in‐house test facility and three independent experimental hutches working alternately, plus additional set‐up and storage space for long‐term experiments. HEMS is under commissioning as one of the first beamlines running at PETRA III.

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