
The High Altitude Observatory attempts to carry out a balanced program of theoretical and experimental research in solar, solar-terrestrial, and stellar-related physics. The scientific efforts are carried out within a sectional structure including the major areas of Solar Atmosphere and Magnetic Fields, Coronal/Interplanetary Physics, and Solar Variability. As one division of a National Center, the Observatory attempts to provide leadership through operation and sponsorship of seminars on specialized topics and organization of workshops to exploit data collections. In addition to the examples given, the Observatory, under NASA sponsorship, has organized a workshop series on solar flares, a central theme of which was the interpretation of Skylab results. This effort has resulted in the publication of a volume Solar Flares, edited by P. Sturrock, Colorado Associated University Press, 1979. Through these efforts, and the participation of individual staff members on advisory committees and working groups within the national and international framework, the Observatory continues to play a role in the guidance of research in solar and related physics.

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