
Halophilic microbes are studied to understand the metabolic pathways adopted by organisms in such extreme environment and for their biotechnological exploitation. In thallosohaline environments worldwide, the autotrophic alga Dunaliella salina Teodoresco is omnipresent, but it is being recently realised that the heterotrophic components vary in different regions. The unexplored eastern coastline of India abutted by Bay of Bengal was investigated for the heterotrophic halophilic microbes in this region. The waters in the salterns – replicas of natural hyper-saline water bodies of that region, were collected at four sites along 650 km of the coastal belt. In cultures set up from these waters, green and pink colonies were observed. The green colonies were found to be those of D. salina while the pink colonies were of heterotrophs. To identify the heterotrophic microbes, light microscopy, 16S rRNA typing and pigment profiling through spectrophotometry and HPLC were done. The cells in pink colonies were rod shaped. 16S rRNA typing of cells in these colonies detected the presence of Halomonas sp. – a eubacterium. The pigment profile of cells in pink cultures matched that of the archaea – Halobacterium; bacterioruberin derivatives were found. Thus, it was concluded that Halomonas and Halobacterium spp. are among the co-inhabitant heterotrophs of D. salina. Cultures of D. salina established from these salterns showed the typical three colours seen in the ponds of different sub-plots of salterns. They were green until 30 days, turning dark orange by 60 days and pink when 90 day old. In the 90 day old cultures, innumerable rod shaped cells were found. These cells were similar to the cells of the waters from the ponds of pink sub-plots of salterns and the pink colonies established from saltern waters in the laboratory. In the old (90 days) laboratory cultures of D. salina, the glycerol and proteins released from degenerating cells and the increase in salt concentration to super saturation levels due to evaporation of water in the medium led to the gregarious appearance of the heterotrophs – the co-inhabitants in natural environment.

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