
He follows her to her tryst with her female lover (may even have intentionally allowed them to consummate it) and then vents his aroused lust upon her on the same straw. In a scene that is typical of Rossen's forcing the viewer to catch up with and pierce the meaning of what is going on, Vincent helps the lovers feign attendance at a movie as a camouflage for another tryst, and again is depicted with intensified desire afterwards. Finally, out of the welter of his uncontrollable passions, he deceives the young man whom Lilith is going to torment him with next, the young man who trusts him, and produces the boy's suicide. Unable to bear what he has done, he turns to Lilith for assurance of her complicity and succeeds only in driving her over the ambiguous no man's land of love and hate into the death of catatonic isolation.

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