
As the blood substitute Diaspirin Cross-linked Hemoglobin (DCLHb) has potent vasopressor activity, we assessed its hemodynamic effects in a clinically relevant dopamine-resistant endotoxic shock model in swine. In a randomized and controlled study, E. coli LPS was administered to anesthetized and invasively monitored swine. Group I (n = 3) control pigs were not resuscitated. Groups II (n = 5) and III (n = 6) pigs received dopamine (DA) after MAP decreased 30%, and hetastarch and DCLHb, respectively, after dopamine-resistance occurred. Progressive hemodynamic decline occurred in Group I pigs. DA failed to restore MAP to baseline. However, 0% and 67% of pigs also treated with heta-starch and DCLHb, respectively, achieved temporary restoration of baseline MAP (p = 0.03), prompting a reduction in the dose of DA in 0% of hetastarch vs. 50% of DCLHb treated pigs. Except for increased MPAP and decreased heart in DCLHb treated pigs (p<0.001), hemodynamics and survival were not different (p>0.05). In conclusion, although DCLHb exacerbated pulmonary hypertension and did not improve O2 utilization or survival, because DCLHb restored MAP to baseline and had a dopamine sparing effect, further investigation of DCLHb's hemodynamic effects in adrenergic agent-resistant endotoxemia is warranted.

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