
view Abstract Citations (99) References (37) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS The Helical Kink Instability of Isolated, Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes Linton, M. G. ; Longcope, D. W. ; Fisher, G. H. Abstract To understand the dynamics of twisted active region flux tubes below the solar photosphere, we investigate the linear kink stability of isolated, twisted tubes of magnetic flux. We apply linearized equations of MHD to a cylindrical magnetic equilibrium (screw pinch), but with significant differences from earlier work. The magnetic field vanishes outside a radius r = R where it is confined by the higher pressure of the unmagnetized plasma. The outside boundary of the tube is free to move, displacing the unmagnetized plasma as it does so. We concentrate on equilibria where all field lines have the same helical pitch: Bθ/rB&zeta; = q = const. The main results are as follows. 1. These equilibria are stable, provided that the field line pitch does not exceed a threshold; q ≤qcr for stability. The threshold is qcr=(α)½, where α is the r2 coefficient in the series expansion of the equilibrium axial magnetic field (Bζ) about the tube axis (r = 0): Bζ(r) = BO(1 - αr2 + ⋯). When this criterion is violated, there are unstable eigenmodes, ξ ∝ e1(θ+kz). The most unstable of these have a helical pitch k which is near (but not equal to) the field line pitch q. 2. For weakly twisted tubes (qR ≪ 1) we derive growth rates and unstable eigenfunctions analytically. For strongly twisted tubes (qR ≤1), we find growth rates and unstable eigenfunctions numerically. 3. The maximum growth rate and range of unstable wavenumbers for a strongly twisted tube can be predicted qualitatively by using the analytical results from the weakly twisted case. The maximum growth rate in that case is given by ωmax = υAR(q2 - q2cr)/3.83, where υA is the axial Alfvén speed. The range of unstable wavenumbers is (- q - Δk/2) < k <(- q + Δk/2), where Δk = 4qR(q2 -q2cr)½/3.83. 4. The kink instability we find consists mainly of internal motions. Helical translations of the entire tube are stable. 5. We argue that an emerging, twisted magnetic flux loop will tend to have a uniform q along its length. The increase in the tube radius R as it rises results in a decreasing value of qcr. This means that the apex of the flux loop will become kink unstable before the rest of the tube. 6. Our results suggest that most twisted flux tubes rising through the convection zone will be stable to kinking. Those few tubes which are kink unstable, and which presumably become knotted or kinked active regions upon emergence, only become kink unstable some time after they have begun rising through the convection zone. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: October 1996 DOI: 10.1086/177842 Bibcode: 1996ApJ...469..954L Keywords: INSTABILITIES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS: MHD; SUN: ACTIVITY; SUN: INTERIOR; SUN: MAGNETIC FIELDS full text sources ADS |

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