
We derive the heat kernel for arbitrary tensor fields on S^3 and (Euclidean) AdS_3 using a group theoretic approach. We use these results to also obtain the heat kernel on certain quotients of these spaces. In particular, we give a simple, explicit expression for the one loop determinant for a field of arbitrary spin s in thermal AdS_3. We apply this to the calculation of the one loop partition function of N=1 supergravity on AdS_3. We find that the answer factorizes into left- and right-moving super Virasoro characters built on the SL(2, C) invariant vacuum, as argued by Maloney and Witten on general grounds.


  • In studying the quantization of field theories on a general spacetime an important tool which captures the leading quantum properties of the theory is the heat kernel of the Laplacian

  • We give a simple, explicit expression for the one loop determinant for a field of arbitrary spin s in thermal AdS3. We apply this to the calculation of the one loop partition function of N = 1 supergravity on AdS3

  • Knowing the heat kernel enables one to compute, for instance, the one loop determinants that contribute to the free energy

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The fields of arbitrary spin s are sections of what are known as homogeneous vector bundles on these coset spaces This will allow us to use some well-known techniques of harmonic analysis to write down the eigenfunctions of the. We check that this answer correctly reproduces all the previously known cases (i.e. spins s = 0, 1, 2).

Construction of harmonics on S3
Tensor harmonics and representation theory
Choice of section
Explicit formulae
The scalar case
Heat kernel on S3
Higher spin
The spinor case
The vector case
Heat kernel on thermal S3
Method of images
Heat kernel on AdS3
The coincident heat kernel
The thermal identification
The heat kernel
The one loop determinant for the graviton
One loop determinant for the gravitino
Final remarks
A Change of sections as change of basis
B Vielbeins for the thermal section
C Evaluation of the radial heat kernel on S3
D Gravitino action
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