
The article raises sociolinguistic and cognitive issues of the interaction between the Russian and English languages in modern Russia. The study aims to show how blending of two different language codes affects thinking, consciousness, culture, the spiritual state of individuals and the entire nation. The article highlights objective and subjective factors contributing to the emergence of a hybrid language or the so-called Runglish. I identify the stimuli motivating Russian speakers to use it. The paper draws attention to the lack of conditions in modern Russian society for forming a protective speech culture mechanism, i. e. a native speaker’s intuition. The research shows how linguistic norms (including grammar) are being loosened; the distinctions between the literary language and jargons are being erased. The illustrative material reflects typical cases of usage. The paper sets vitally important objectives of preserving and protecting the Russian literary language, the emotive and cultural code of the Russian nation as well as the revival of the Russian mentality (thinking in language forms). I emphasise the need for a circumspect language policy, awareness raising, and responsibility of Russian public figures. The study applies cognitive, contextual, comparative, lexical-etymological, word-formation, and grammatical analysis.

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