
AbstractThis study describes the development and testing of the Healthy Ageing/Vulnerable Environment (HAVEN) Index, a prototype composite spatial index for South Australia that reflects an area’s age‐friendliness. The index incorporates over 40 indicator variables across six variable themes: income and employment; education; health and housing; social connectedness; geographic access; and physical environment. Based on the deficit accumulation approach, the modelling uses area‐level rather than individual‐level data and is compiled through quantitative geospatial methods. Analysis using the HAVEN Index of state‐wide mortality data and hospital emergency department (ED) presentations for Central Adelaide found that vulnerable areas were associated with a higher risk of mortality and ED presentation. Comparisons between the HAVEN Index and a widely used national area‐level measure of socio‐economic differences found that the HAVEN Index compares favourably and provides additional information about local areas, which can inform needs‐based approaches to support the reduction of spatial inequalities and the development of age‐friendly neighbourhoods.

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