
ABSTRACT Utilising globalisation theory, the purpose of this paper is to present our experiences and learnings as an instructor and doctoral students from an innovative doctoral pedagogies class involving international scholars and curricular contexts. A self-study design was implemented utilising interviews and focus groups which were collaboratively analysed, with the following themes constructed as findings: Teasing out the theories; playing with pedagogies; contesting curriculum; bridging the gaps; and taking off the blinders. Findings demonstrate how we were introduced to, recognised and critiqued, a variety of theories, pedagogies and curricular contexts which challenged our opinions, pre-held beliefs and dispositions. Doing so, we came to further appreciate the value of engaging in boundary crossing and interdisciplinarity to realise and consider current and future practices and possibilities. Similar doctoral teaching and learning initiatives are needed which go beyond immediate settings and expertise to explore international content, context and pedagogies from a problematising and interdisciplinary stance.

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