
Haustorial mother cells of Termitaria snyderi are larger, thicker walled, more rounded, and deeper brown than surrounding cells of the basal layer of the thallus. Haustoria penetrate the cuticle and form lobed structures underneath. Parasite and host are separated by the host plasma membrane. The lobed, uninucleate protoplast of the haustorium is surrounded by a wall which is continuous around the haustorial neck and which extends through the cuticle to the haustorial mother cell. Haustoria contain mitochondria, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, microbodies, lysosomes, microtubules, and multivesicular bodies. Unique minimicrotubules only 80–100Å in diameter and having only six subunits in cross section are present between cisternae of the stacked smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

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