
The instrumental approaches, quality assurance schemes and management of chemical laboratories should in general be harmonized at the highest possible level. This is all the more so for the national reference laboratories (NRLs) for residues in live animals and their products which have to implement quality assurance systems inspired to the principles of good laboratory practice as well as to the general norms for the operation of testing laboratories (EN 45000 criteria). Directive 23/96/EC of 29 April 1996 prescribes that NRLs are assisted in this process by the four community reference laboratories (CRLs) for residues. To this end, the Rome CRL systematically collects in a handbook all the analytical methods in use at NRLs for the determination of As, Cd, Cu, Hg and Pb, as well as other chemical elements, in animal matrices. One major goal of this action is to foster the harmonization of analytical approaches by the NRLs and their ability to provide comparable results of similar quality. The Rome CRL is committed to revise this handbook twice a year. The role of the handbook is also to encourage the exchange of information among the NRLs as regards the possibility of improving existing methods.

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