
An isolated complex of C2H4 and ICF3 has been generated in the gas phase and studied by chirped-pulse, Fourier transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy. Ab initio calculations at the CCSD(T)(F12*)/VTZ level support the experimental work and further establish the dissociation energy, De, and dipole moment, μ, of the complex. Rotational constants, B0 and C0, the centrifugal distortion constant, ΔJ, nuclear quadrupole coupling constants, χaa (I) and (χbb(I)–χcc(I)) and the nuclear spin-rotation coupling constant Cbb(I) of the complex are determined from the experimental data. The iodine atom interacts with π-electrons on C2H4 resulting in the formation of a linear (∠(CI⋯*)) halogen bond (where * indicates the centre of the CC bond) and a complex of Cs symmetry. The measured rotational constants allow the length of the halogen bond to be determined as 3.434(2)Å in the r0 geometry. The complex is formally an asymmetric top but with a very low barrier to internal rotation of C2H4 about the C3 axis defined by the CF3I sub-unit. Adopting an approach also used in a recent study of H2O⋯ICF3, other transitions are assigned using the Hamiltonian of a symmetric top molecule.

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