
The purpose of this report is to consider involvement of the great toe by rheumatoid arthritis, defining significant deformities, describing clinical patterns and discussing the pathomechanics of these findings, in what is an ongoing disease. 200 consecutive patients admitted to hospital with classical or definite rheumatoid arthritis were screened for pain or deformity of the great toe. Feet that had undergone previous surgery or had other underlying pathology were excluded from the series. 194 feef were found to have halluceal involvement. Although hallux valgus was the commonest deformity it was found in combination with other significant deformities in many cases. Hallux rigidus was an important lesion in this series as was interphalangeal hyperextension. Other important lesions encountered were metatarsus primus varus and medial rotation of the toe; their relationship to hallux valgus is discussed.

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