
Introduction Part I - Overview 1. The Birth of the Abduction Convention and its Inter-Relationship with Other Legal Instruments I The Birth of the Abduction Convention II Inter-Relationship with Other Legal Instruments 2. The Operation of the Abduction Convention I Sources of Information and Statistics II Institutions and other Actors Involved in the Operation of the Convention III The Abduction Convention Process IV After Return 3. Inter-Disciplinary Aspects of International Child Abduction I Sociological Aspects II Psychological Aspects of Abduction 4. International Relocation and its Inter-Relationship with Child Abduction I Introduction II Relocation Law III Inter-Relationship between Child Abduction and Relocation Part II - Parameters for Analysis 5. Parameters Relating to Text and Objectives I Introduction II Explanation of the Parameters 6. Consistency with General Legal Doctrines I Introduction II Rights and Interests of Children III Rights of Parents IV Private International Law Principles V Certainty versus Flexibility Part III - Conditions for Application of Mandatory Return Mechanism 7. Wrongful Removal or Retention I Introduction II Removal or Retention III Rights of Custody IV Analysis in Relation to Breach and Exercise of Custody Rights V Conclusions 8. Habitual Residence I Introduction II Role of Habitual Residence in the Abduction Convention III The Different Models IV Illustrating the Different Models V Analysis VI Conclusions Part IV - Defences to Mandatory Return 9. Article 12(2) I Introduction II The Case Law III Analysis IV Conclusions 10. Consent and Acquiescence I Introduction II Normative Framework III Specific Situations IV Exercise of Discretion V Analysis VI Conclusions 11. Grave Risk of Harm I Introduction II Interpretation and Application of the Grave Risk Defence III Protective Measures IV Analysis V Conclusions 12. Child's Objection I Introduction II Interpretation and Application of Article 13(2) III Analysis IV Conclusions 13. Violation of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms I Introduction II The Case Law III Analysis IV Conclusions Part V: The Voice of the Child 14. Ascertaining the Child's Views I Requirement to Ascertain the Child's Views II Method of Ascertaining the Child's Views in Abduction Convention Cases III Analysis IV Conclusions 15. Status of the Child in Abduction Convention Proceedings I Introduction II The Child's Right to Separate Representation III Separate Representation in Abduction Convention Cases IV Application by the Child V Conclusions Part VI: Related Proceedings and Processes 16. Mediation I Introduction II Advantages of Mediation III Problems and Solutions IV Conclusions 17. Compensating the Left-Behind Parent I Introduction II To What Extent is Compensation Appropriate? III Analysis of the Various Models IV Conclusions 18. Enforcing Rights of Access I Introduction II Article 21 of the Abduction Convention III Other International Instruments IV Conclusions Part VII: The Way Ahead 19. Conclusions and Recommendations I Introduction II Significance of the Developments Since 1980 III Conclusions

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