
An online survey was conducted among 3,183 online news consumers of India. The aim of the survey was to know the reading habits of online readers. The questionnaire was sent through the e-recourses like e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. The study found that women and men consume online news in a slightly different manner. Women prefer to read information related to entertainment, development, health, education, and features. Men prefer political, sports, crime, business, and defence related news. More than half of the respondents (62.6%) have the subscription of online newspapers but it will reduce when online newspaper will start paid subscription as 71% respondents says they will not subscribe paid online news. As many as 56% respondents share the news with others, 67.7% say they don’t write comments and 58% respondents like the 24×7 news updates. The Times of India is the most readable (43.5%) online news source among the respondents followed by Social Media (41%).

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