
Several factors have been found to influence kingfisher habitat use, including perch height (Monadjem, OwenSmith & Kemp, 1994), diet (Woodall, 1991; Libois & Laudelout, 2004), water quality (Douthwaite, 1982), river depth (Monadjem, 1996), river width and river speed (Peris & Rodriguez, 1996). Comparisons of the habitat preferences of different African kingfisher species have in the past mainly concerned the influence of single habitat variables on kingfisher presence [for example Monadjem et al. (1994) compared perch height preferences between Giant kingfisher (Ceryle maxima), Half-collared kingfisher (Alcedo semitorquata) and Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)]. In this study, by regarding multiple habitat variables we compare the habitat preferences of four African species of kingfisher: Giant, Half-collared, Pied and Malachite (Alcedo cristata), along the Kilombero River, southern Tanzania. Riverine habitat of the Kilombero River is cleared for purposes such as agriculture and livestock grazing and this may negatively affect the resident bird community (Baker & Baker, 2002). We aim to highlight those habitat variables that influence kingfisher habitat use, in an area experiencing moderate levels of anthropogenic pressure. Materials and methods

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