
Recent research has convincingly demonstrated a bidirectional communication axis between the gut and liver that enables the gut microbiota to strongly affect animals' feeding behavior and energy metabolism. As such, the gut-liver axis enables the host to control and shape the gut microbiota and to protect the intestinal barrier. Gut microbiota-host communication is based on several gut-derived compounds, such as short-chain fatty acids, bile acids, methylamines, amino acid-derived metabolites, and microbial-associated molecular patterns, which act as communication signals, and multiple host receptors, which sense the signals, thereby stimulating signaling and metabolic pathways in all key tissues of energy metabolism and food intake regulation. Disturbance in the microbial ecosystem balance, or microbial dysbiosis, causes profound derangements in the regulation of appetite and satiety in the hypothalamic centers of the brain and in key metabolic pathways in peripheral tissues owing to intestinal barrier disruption and subsequent induction of hepatic and hypothalamic inflammation.

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