
This research aims to study the situation of shopping tourism in Phayao province, to examine factors affecting decision making for product and service purchasing of Thai tourists and to present the shopping guideline of shopping tourism for tourism promotion in Phayao Province. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied to this research. By interview was implemented as a qualitative approached instrument to collect data from 30 shopping tourism stakeholders. In addition, questionnaires were applied to this research as quantitative method in order to verify data between two approaching techniques. 400 Thai tourists were asked about the factors affecting the decision to purchase goods and services for tourism among Thai tourist in Phayao Province. The results have illustrated that. The factors affecting their decision to purchase the souvenir is the taste and the quality of the product. They tend to buy the products from the shop they have bought before. The majority amount of money of the respondents was spent on food. Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and Package factors are respectively ranged in high level. The Guideline Shopping Tourism Development for Promotion Tourism in Phayao Province has established the goals based on 5 marketing components which are product, price, place, promotion, and package. Qualitative data was collected from 9 tourism entrepreneurial representatives in both government and private sectors using focus group technique. The factors considered in the findings of this study include accommodation business, restaurant and beverage business, souvenir business, and local community business producing souvenir.

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