
Abstract Emmy Noether ‘s name is usually connected with the emergence of modern algebra at Gottingen during the 1920s. Although widely regarded by con temporary algebraists as the leading figure in the field, she was also known to both mathematicians and physicists-including Klein, Hilbert, Weyl, and Einstein-for her work on differential invariants and the connections between variational principles and conservation laws in physics. During the war years in Gottingen, Noether served as an assistant to Felix Klein and David Hilbert when both were immersed in work on general relativity theory. In this paper, I will not enter deeply into Naether ‘s published work nor will I discuss its impact on subsequent research. My purpose instead is to show the central part she played in the context of the overall response to general relativity by Gottingen mathematicians beginning with the ‘codiscovery ‘ of the gravitational field equations by Einstein and Hilbert in November 1915.

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