
AbstractThe Gerontological Society of America (GSA) developed the KAER Toolkit to support primary care teams in increasing awareness of brain health in older adults, increase detection of cognitive impairment, initiate earlier diagnostic evaluations, and make referrals for supportive services for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD.)The GSA KAER model identifies four steps which are essential for improving health‐related outcomes and well‐being for people living with ADRD and their families: Kickstart the Brain Health Conversation, Assess for Cognitive Impairment, Evaluate for Dementia, and Refer to Community Resources. The regularly updated evidence‐based tools and resources showcased in the toolkit were identified by consensus, gathering a diverse range of expert contributors and stakeholders to highlight best practices that research has shown to be most effective. The kit includes practical approaches which primary care teams can use to integrate these tools into their practice workflows.The GSA program director for this initiative, who has shepherded its development and implementation since its inception, will provide insight into the framework’s development; its components, publications, supporting podcasts, and webinars; its wide‐ranging recognition, including by the National Institutes of Health and the National Alzheimer’s Project Act; and will review the projects to support its dissemination which have been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Finally, we will describe successful partnerships which the GSA has built with a number of large organizations, including the Alzheimer’s Association and the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, who are now spreading awareness about it and facilitating training based on its principles in health systems across the United States.

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