
The GH1:c.457C>G exon 5 missense mutation in the bovine growth hormone 1 (GH1) gene that causes the replacement of leucine (L) with valine (V) was investigated in 1027 cattle with primarily Angus and Shorthorn breeding from Australian feedlots. The allele frequency of the GH1:c.457C allele was 0.77 in Angus and 0.76 in Shorthorn. The GH1:c.457C allele was associated with lower marbling (P = 0.0472), and the average effect of allele substitution was -0.22 of a phenotypic standard deviation. This allele was also associated with slightly higher rump fat (P = 0.0541) and the average effect of allele substitution was 0.11 SD. Marbling and rump fat were not strongly correlated (r = 0.097, P < 0.01) in this data set. This mutation had no significant effect on eye muscle area or hot dressed carcass weight (P > 0.1). Given these relationships, the differences between GH1 alleles could be the result of differential deposition of fat in fat depots.

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