
Plant-parasitic nematodes cause severe economic losses to agriculture. As important biocontrol agents, nematophagous fungi evolved the ability to obtain nitrogen sources from nematodes. However, the impact of nitrogen sources on the growth and development of these fungi is largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to better understand how nitrogen sources could influence vegetative growth and conidiation through epigenetic regulation in the nematophagous fungus, Purpureocillium lavendulum. Through nutrition screening, we found a phenomenon of the fungus, limited colony extension with a large amount of conidia production when cultured on PDA media, can be altered by adding ammonia nitrate. Characterized by site-directed mutagenesis, the histone H3K14 acetylation was found to be involved in the alternation. Furthermore, the acetyltransferase PlGCN5 was responsible for H3K14 acetylation. Knockout of Plgcn5 severely diminished conidiation in P. lavendulum. Chip-seq showed that H3K14ac distributed in conidiation regulating genes, and genes in the MAPK pathway which may be the downstream targets in the regulation. These findings suggest that histone modification and nitrogen sources coordinated lifestyle regulation in P. lavendulum, providing new insight into the mechanism of growth regulation by nutritional signals for the carnivorous fungus.

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