
Single crystals of rhenium-dopedWS2 have been grown by the chemical vapour transport method using bromine as atransporting agent. From x-ray diffraction pattern analysis, the doped crystals arefound to crystallize in mixed polytypes of the three-layer rhombohedral (3R) andtwo-layer hexagonal (2H) structures while the undoped one is in the 2H form.The x-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) in the vicinity of W 5p core-level regimeexhibit strongly asymmetric line-shape character and the weak shoulder located athigher energy side is attributed to the presence of a small amount of rhenium inWS2. Hall coefficient measurements at room temperature indicate that the samples are n-typein nature. The doping effects of the materials are characterized by temperature-dependentconductivity, room temperature optical absorption and piezoreflectance (PzR)measurements. The drastic decrease in resistivity with increasing doping concentrationsuggests that more charge carriers are available for conduction in the doped compounds.The indirect energy gap for the doped samples shows red shifts on increasing thedoping concentration. The direct band edge excitonic transition energies show aslight red shift due to the presence of a small amount of Re and the broadeningparameter of the excitonic transition features increases due to impurity scattering.

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