
Feed is one of the components that support the aquaculture business, hence the available feed must be sufficient and meet the needs of the fish. The use of coconut pulp as a feed ingredient is limited by its low protein content and high crude fiber content, which reduces the feed's digestibility level. Fermentation is a technology used to increase protein content and reduce crude fiber content, and increase protein digestibility. A. adding fermented coconut pulp 65%, commercial feed 35%, B. adding fermented coconut pulp 45%, commercial feed 55%, C. adding fermented coconut pulp 25%, 75% commercial feed, D. Control (100% commercial feed). This study aimed to analyze the effect of adding fermented coconut pulp to the commercial feed on the growth and survival of tilapia fry (Orechromis niloticus). The research is an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications for 12 experimental units. The results showed that the addition of fermented coconut pulp to tilapia feed had no significant effect on absolute weight and absolute length growth, but had a significant effect on the survival rate of tilapia fry. The best dose of adding fermented coconut pulp to the feed was found in the 25% treatment. The addition of fermented coconut pulp up to 45% did not make a significant difference with the use of commercial feed (control). This indicates the addition of fermented coconut pulp up to 45% can still be given to fish, hence it can be recommended that the addition of fermented coconut pulp to the feed should not exceed 45%.

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