
Shallot (Allium wakegi Araki.) is one the leading commodities of the Central Sulawesi and also the ingredient material of making fried onion for industry purposes. This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of various types of seaweed extract and organic fertilizers such as N, P, and K on the Growth and yield of Shallots of lembah palu variety. The experimnet used a Randomized Block Design (RBD). With treatment, namely T1 (Ulva sp. seaweed extract 50 ml/plant), T2 (Cauelerpa sp. seaweed extract 50 ml/plant), T3 (Sargassum sp. seaweed extract 50 ml/plant), T4 (NPK fertilizer 20 gram/plots), T5 (Ulva sp. seaweed extract 50 ml/plant dan NPK 20 g/plot), T6 (Cauelerpa sp. seaweed extract 50 ml/plant and NPK 20 g/plot) and T7 (Sargassum sp. seaweed extract 50 ml/plant and NPK 20 g/plot). Therefore, there were 7 treatments and every treatment was repeated three times. Therefore, there were 21 experimental units. The results showed that the application of a combination between various types of seaweed extract and NPK on shallots significantly affected all observations except plant height. The treatment combination between Ulva sp seaweed extract and NPK produces the best value compared to other treatments.

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