
AbstractThe (real) Grothendieck constant ${K}_{G} $ is the infimum over those $K\in (0, \infty )$ such that for every $m, n\in \mathbb{N} $ and every $m\times n$ real matrix $({a}_{ij} )$ we have $$\begin{eqnarray*}\displaystyle \max _{\{ x_{i}\} _{i= 1}^{m} , \{ {y}_{j} \} _{j= 1}^{n} \subseteq {S}^{n+ m- 1} }\sum _{i= 1}^{m} \sum _{j= 1}^{n} {a}_{ij} \langle {x}_{i} , {y}_{j} \rangle \leqslant K\max _{\{ \varepsilon _{i}\} _{i= 1}^{m} , \{ {\delta }_{j} \} _{j= 1}^{n} \subseteq \{ - 1, 1\} }\sum _{i= 1}^{m} \sum _{j= 1}^{n} {a}_{ij} {\varepsilon }_{i} {\delta }_{j} . &&\displaystyle\end{eqnarray*}$$ The classical Grothendieck inequality asserts the nonobvious fact that the above inequality does hold true for some $K\in (0, \infty )$ that is independent of $m, n$ and $({a}_{ij} )$. Since Grothendieck’s 1953 discovery of this powerful theorem, it has found numerous applications in a variety of areas, but, despite attracting a lot of attention, the exact value of the Grothendieck constant ${K}_{G} $ remains a mystery. The last progress on this problem was in 1977, when Krivine proved that ${K}_{G} \leqslant \pi / 2\log (1+ \sqrt{2} )$ and conjectured that his bound is optimal. Krivine’s conjecture has been restated repeatedly since 1977, resulting in focusing the subsequent research on the search for examples of matrices $({a}_{ij} )$ which exhibit (asymptotically, as $m, n\rightarrow \infty $) a lower bound on ${K}_{G} $ that matches Krivine’s bound. Here, we obtain an improved Grothendieck inequality that holds for all matrices $({a}_{ij} )$ and yields a bound ${K}_{G} \lt \pi / 2\log (1+ \sqrt{2} )- {\varepsilon }_{0} $ for some effective constant ${\varepsilon }_{0} \gt 0$. Other than disproving Krivine’s conjecture, and along the way also disproving an intermediate conjecture of König that was made in 2000 as a step towards Krivine’s conjecture, our main contribution is conceptual: despite dealing with a binary rounding problem, random two-dimensional projections, when combined with a careful partition of ${ \mathbb{R} }^{2} $ in order to round the projected vectors to values in $\{ - 1, 1\} $, perform better than the ubiquitous random hyperplane technique. By establishing the usefulness of higher-dimensional rounding schemes, this fact has consequences in approximation algorithms. Specifically, it yields the best known polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the Frieze–Kannan Cut Norm problem, a generic and well-studied optimization problem with many applications.


  • In his 1953 Resume [14], Grothendieck proved a theorem that he called ‘le theoreme fondamental de la theorie metrique des produits tensoriels’

  • Rather than analyzing a specific example of matrices, as required by an affirmative solution of Krivine’s conjecture, here we find a new method that performs better than Krivine’s method on all matrices

  • One should work instead with the optimal partition of R2, which we conjecture is the tiger partition. This too would not be very meaningful, since we do not see a good reason why two-dimensional partitions are special in the present context. It was shown in [30] that by working with Krivine-type rounding schemes in Rk one can approach the exact value of the Grothendieck constant as k → ∞

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In his 1953 Resume [14], Grothendieck proved a theorem that he called ‘le theoreme fondamental de la theorie metrique des produits tensoriels’. Following the upper bounds on KG obtained in [14, 26, 36] (see the alternative proofs of (1.1) in [6, 10, 18, 28, 29, 31], yielding worse bounds on KG), progress on Grothendieck’s Problem 3 halted after a beautiful 1977 theorem of Krivine [23], who proved that One reason for this lack of improvement since 1977 is that Krivine conjectured [23] that his bound is the exact value of KG. Krivine’s conjecture corresponds to a natural geometric intuition about the worst spherical configuration for Grothendieck’s inequality This geometric picture has been crystallized and cleanly formulated as an extremal analytic/geometric problem due to the works of Haagerup, Konig, and Tomczak-Jaegermann.

Krivine-type rounding schemes and algorithmic implications
The tiger partition and directions for future research
A counterexample to Konig’s conjecture
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