
This paper presents the GHG (greenhouse gas) inventory of the integrated waste management system of the Province of Siena (central Italy), for the years 2008–2011, according to the “2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories”. The study presents the detailed calculation of GHG emissions from different plants (landfills, incinerators, composting plants, selection and valorization lines, etc.), which may orient emission reduction strategies and decrease the environmental impact of the waste sector. Total emissions decreased from 2009 to 2011 mainly through better management of landfills. Production of electricity from renewable (in situ photovoltaic panel installation) and alternative resources (incinerated waste and biogas recovery from landfills) avoids GHG emissions because it limits import of electricity from thermoelectric power stations. The experience presented in this study can be used as a waste sector model, since the evaluations can be repeated in time and concern different interacting waste disposal methodologies. Various public and private organizations may take part in the analysis, so as to calibrate the waste management system according to the results obtained by GHG inventories. The results of the analysis can be verified and validated according to international standards (e.g. ISO 14064 or 14067) by an independent organization in order to systematically facilitate the link between GHG computation and political action.

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