
The Granite of Ben Beurlaich and Maumsale. —The hills which rise to the east of the farms of Largindour, Auchbain, and Mid-Lairgs, and form the natural boundary in this part between Strathnairn and Strathdearn, are composed of one mass of beautiful gray granite, viz., Ben Beurlaich (1575) and the smaller hill of Maumsale (1250) a little to the north of Ben Beurlaich (see Map No. 84 O.S.). The summits of the two hills form broad platforms of granite, exposed in wide patches all round their slopes for several hundred feet lower down. The granite is also to be seen in situ in the hollow between the two hills. On the Strathnairn side the gneiss is in situ along the common base of both hills, but on the Strathdearn side the granite strikes out across the valley and is seen in situ near the road where it was quarried at one time. The Old Red Sandstone from Faillie to Castletown, Daltullich. —Half way between the bridges of Daviot and Faillie the Old Red Sandstone conglomerate appears on the left bank of the Nairn for about 200 yards, with the gneiss on the right bank. The junction of the Old Red and the gneiss is in the bed of the river. Towards Faillie Bridge the Old Red appears for about 20 yards on the right bank of the Nairn at a place between two very large boulders; the one boulder (gneiss) being in the bed of the river, nearer Faillie Bridge, and the other

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