
With the elimination of Circular 58 in 1967, the Ontario Department of Education has given the teachers of modern languages more freedom in the choice of the programme at the Grade 13 level. With this freedom, there also came a great deal of responsibility: the teacher will have to examine very carefuJ] y the reading material and be certain that it is of the correct interest level for his students. He will hope to find suitable textual material which will be supported by some audio or visual material. A recent survey conducted by the Executive of the East Niagara Modern Language Heads' Association 1 showed that a variety and multiplicity of French readers were being used at the Grade 13 level. Many colleagues have kept the complete progr:imme (or sections thereof) prescribed by the Ontario Department of Education in 1967- 1968. Others have digressed from that prescription. The following is a list of textbooks which resulted from that survey. The list has been supplemented with the addition of available audio, visual, reading and testing material. It is obvious that much of the reference material is beyond the Grade 13 level; it has been included here for the teacher's attention. Xerox copies of articles may be easily obtained from university libraries. The list is published here to assist colleagues with thei1 choice of Grade 13 textbooks for 1970-1971.

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