
We analyzed the contents, horizontal distributions and pollution sources of Cu in Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong Province, China in 1984. Results showed that Cu contents in surface waters in July, August and October 1984 were 0.28-1.88 μg L, 1.60-4.00 μg L and 0.11-2.00 μg L, respectively, and were confirmed with GradeI (5.00 μg L) in Chinese Sea Water Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997). The major sources of Cu were river flow and ocean current, whose source strengths were 1.88-4.00 μg L and 2.00 μg L, respectively. The source strengths and pollution levels of Cu in Jiaozhou Bay were very weak and low in 1984. These founding were helpful to understanding the background level of Cu in the early stage of reform and opening up, as well as the research on the existence of Cu. Introduction Cu is one of the most wide distribution heavy metal elements whose major forms are copper sulfide and copper oxide, and has been widely used in metallurgical, machine manufacturing, chemical plating etc. A large amount of Cu-containing waste water was generated along with the rapid increasing of industry and discharged to the rivers and then transported to the ocean [1-2]. However, the excessive of Cu in the marine environment is harmful to eco-environment, as well as human being. Hence, the research on the pollution levels and sources of Cu in the marine bay is helpful to marine environmental protection. This paper analyzed the pollution levels and sources of Cu in waters in Jiaozhou Bay, a semi-closed bay located in Shandong Province, China, and provided background information of Cu contents and sources strengths for further study, as well as practices on environmental remediation. Materials and method Jiaozhou Bay (35°55′-36°18′ N, 120°04′-120°23′ E) is located in Shandong Province, eastern China (Fig. 1). The total area of the bay is 446 km, while the width of the bay mouth is only about 2.5 km. In the east, north and west of the bay are cities of Qingdao, Jiaozhou and Jiaonan, while the bay mouth is located in the south of the bay, and is connected with the Yellow Sea. This bay has more than ten inflow rivers, such as Dagu River, Loushan River, Licun River and Haibo River, all of which are strongly determined by rainfall-runoff, and are showing significant seasonal features [3-4]. The data was provided by North China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center, State Ocean Administration. The investigation on Cu in surface waters at six sampling sites (2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035 and 2047) in was carried on in July, August and October 1984. The sampling and measurement of Cu was following by Chinese Specification for Marine Monitoring [5]. 4th International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Computing Technology (ICMMCT 2016) © 2016. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 408 Fig. 1 Geographic location and sampling sites in Jiaozhou Bay

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