
The present study aims to analyze the representations about the good teacher in the eyes of the students of the third grade of High School. The empirical material was obtained through a semi-structured interview and questionnaire, with forty-nine students of the 3rd year of high school, from two public schools located in the interior of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The research carried out is of a qualitative approach, using the concept of social representation. The evaluations of the representations referring to what the students consider as “good teacher” allowed to identify attributes related to the personal attitude of the teacher, as well as their pedagogical action, that is, what was called attributes of the scope of the BE and the DOING of the teacher. It was verified that in the opinion of the students, the good teacher is the one who has mastery of contents of the taught discipline and good didactics, as well as accomplishes his teaching task through a good relationship with the students. The research contributed to highlight the importance of establishing adequate interpersonal relationships in the constitution of the representation that the students have regarding a “Good Teacher”. This finding has implications for the training of high school teachers.

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