
The distribution of cells expressing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunoreactivity was examined in the brain of adult jerboa during two distinct periods of the reproductive cycle. During spring-summer, when the jerboa is sexually active, a high density of cell bodies and fibres immunoreactive (IR) for GnRH was observed at the level of separation of the frontal lobes, in the medial septal nucleus (MS) and in the diagonal band of Broca (DBB), in the preoptic area (POA), in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT), in the retrochiasmatic area and hypothalamus. In autumn, when the jerboa is sexually inactive, GnRH-immunoreactivity was less intense than during spring-summer. In the POA, we noted a 55% decrease in the number of GnRH containing cells with no change in cell numbers in the MS-DBB. Furthermore, a lower density of GnRH immunopositive axon fibres is observed in all the previously mentioned structures and the immunoreaction intensity was very weak particularly within the median eminence and OVLT. Independently of the season, the GnRH immunoreactivity within neurones and fibres was similar in jerboas living in captivity and in jerboas living in their natural biotope. The effects of photoperiod on the density of POA-GnRH and arcuate nucleus beta-endorphin-containing cells were studied in jerboas maintained in long day [(LD) 16-h light, 8-h dark] and short day [(SD) 8-h light, 16-h dark] for 8 weeks. In the POA, the GnRH-IR cell number was not significantly altered by the photoperiod. Similarly, in the mediobasal hypothalamus, the number of beta-endorphin-IR neurones was not affected by such a parameter. Consequently, the GnRH seasonal variations cannot be correlated to changes in the photoperiod alone.

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