
The basic food basket (BFB), formed by the more economical products available, is used by less-affluent countries to establish the minimum daily food consumption to satisfy nutritional requirements in less-privileged individuals. There is no information about groups that depend on the BFB and in addition follow gluten-free diet (GF/BFB). We measured availability, cost, main ingredients and nutritional composition of GF/BFB. Data were collected in the area that was first in the social priority list in the capital city, matching BFB components with gluten-free equivalents (GF/BFB). GF/BFB characterized by being 42% less available, three times more costly (>500% higher for bread), with up to 69% lower protein content and with no fortifications, leaving at nutritional risk celiac individuals that depend on GF/BFB. Results raise concerns on the capacity of the GF/BFB to encourage adherence, maintain adequate nutritional status and quality of life in celiac patients.

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