
ABSTRACTWe simulate an isolated, magnetized Milky Way-like disc galaxy using a self-consistent model of unresolved star formation and feedback, evolving the system until it reaches statistical steady state. We show that the quasi-steady-state structure is distinctly layered in galactocentric height z, with a broken power-law structure in Alfven Mach number and plasma beta. Magnetic pressure exceeds turbulent and thermal pressures after the gas is depleted to levels below that of the present-day Galaxy, but is subdominant at higher gas fractions and star formation rates. We find field strengths, gas surface densities, and star formation rates that agree well with those observed in the Solar neighbourhood. The most significant dynamical effect of magnetic fields on the global properties of the disc is a reduction of the star formation rate by a factor of 1.5–2 with respect to an unmagnetized control simulation. At a fixed star formation rate of approximately $2 \, {\rm M}_{\odot }$ yr−1, there is no significant difference in the mass outflow rates or profiles between the magnetized and non-magnetized simulations. Our results for the global structure of the magnetic field have significant implications for models of cosmic ray-driven winds and cosmic ray propagation in the Galaxy, and can be tested against observations with the forthcoming Square Kilometre Array and other facilities. Finally, we report the discovery of a physical error in the implementation of neutral gas heating and cooling in the popular gizmo code, which may lead to qualitatively incorrect phase structures if not corrected.

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