
This study examined the glass ceiling phenomenon in the South African hospitality industry, with a particular focus on four hotels in Gauteng. The primary aim was to investigate the different perspectives held on the glass ceiling by exploring the key factors inhibiting women in the hospitality industry from proceeding to the next level of the corporate hierarchy, and, ultimately, to reach senior executive positions. Data was collected through informal semi-structured interviews and an online questionnaire that was targeted at men and women in lower to top management positions within the different hotels. The key findings show that the glass ceiling indeed exists, as a fluid and dynamic phenomenon, which takes on various ever-evolving shapes within different work environments. Many women resonated with the nature of the glass ceiling. The literature depicts the glass ceiling as an overarching and all-encompassing phenomenon affecting women. The study sheds more light on the circumstantial nature of the glass ceiling and shows that certain factors exacerbate the effects of the ‘glass ceiling’ phenomenon. A study found that a combination of variables affected the careers of women and their work life balance. The study revealed that the circumstantial nature of the glass ceiling and its dynamic nature makes it impossible for there to be a uniform solution to navigating one’s career around it or to shatter it. This finding challenges the existing view of the glass ceiling and how women should be attempting to shatter it.

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