
* Abbreviations: CMS — : Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services HCAHPS — : Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Instruments to measure and assess patient experience are widely used in US hospitals. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented a standardized survey, Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), for adult hospitals in 2006, and public reporting of HCAHPS results commenced in 2008. Widespread adoption of the adult HCAHPS tool has been facilitated by federal policy. The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 created incentives for acute care hospitals to participate in HCAHPS. Hospitals subject to the Inpatient Prospective Payment System must collect and submit HCAHPS data to receive full reimbursement. In 2012, Hospital Value-Based Purchasing linked a portion of Inpatient Prospective Payment System hospital payment from CMS to a set of quality metrics. HCAHPS data are the basis for the Patient and Caregiver Centered Experience of Care/Care Coordination metric, which is 25% to 30% of a hospital’s Total Performance Score. Also, since 2008, adult hospital HCAHPS scores are publicly reported based on 4 consecutive quarters … Address correspondence to Kerry L. Rosen, MD, MBA, 700 Children’s Drive, T3108, Columbus, OH 43205. E-mail: kerry.rosen{at}nationwidechildrens.org

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