
New radio data is presented for the rich cluster Abell 2163. The cluster radio emission is characterized by the presence of a radio halo, which is one of the most powerful and extended halos known so far. In the NE peripheral cluster region, we also detect diuse elongated emission, which we classify as a cluster relic. The cluster A2163 is very hot and luminous in X-ray. Its central region is probably in a highly non relaxed state, suggesting that this cluster is likely to be a recent merger. The existence of a radio halo in this cluster conrms that halos are associated with hot massive clusters, and conrms the connection between radio halos and cluster merger processes. The comparison between the radio emission of the halo and the cluster X-ray emission shows a close structural similarity. A power law correlation is found between the radio and X-ray brightness, with index =0.64. We also report the upper limit to the hard X-ray emission, obtained from a BeppoSAX observation. We discuss the implications of our results.

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