
The results of geological exploration for oil within the Elsky, Shatilkovsky, Savichsky and Petrikovsko-Shestovichsky sections of the Pripyat trough are analyzed. The analysis covers almost 70 years from the drilling of the first exploratory wells laid by the "wild cat" method to the modern comprehensive justification. During the analyzed period, from 12 to 23 deep wells were drilled with a total penetration of 42.3 thousand meters to 68.3 thousand meters in each section. The initial stage of work after the first oil inflow is characterized by a higher activity of drilling new exploratory wells, justified by the methods available at that time. The negative result of exploratory drilling in certain areas is also
 due to the significant fragmentation of the intrasalt perspective horizons and the areal unevenness of reservoir layers in
 the subsalt complex. Within the boundaries of the sites, deposits with recoverable oil reserves of no more than 450 thousand
 tons are established, which can be determined as a low economic efficiency of prospecting operations. However, the work has played a positive role in determining real models of hydrocarbon traps for use in the study of other sites.

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