
Studies of part of a large batholith in southwest Nova Scotia show that granitic rocks of two different ages penetrate the Lower Palaeozoic metasediments of the Meguma Group. They are distinguished by their field relationships, mineralogy, and petrology from an older series, varying from biotite granodiorite through quartz monzonite to muscovite biotite granite, which is penetrated by younger large dikes, up to 1.5 km wide, of alaskite. Rb–Sr whole rock isochron ages show that the older series was emplaced approximately 415 m.y. ago and that the younger alaskite dikes were emplaced about 350 m.y. ago. Major and trace element chemistry shows that the older series of granitic rocks were formed by differentiation of a calc-alkali magma in situ. The younger dikes are all highly silicic, show limited major element variation, and have been affected by hydrothermal metasomatism.

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