
DSDP Hole 504B is the only hole in oceanic crust to penetrate through the volcanic section and into hydrothermally altered sheeted dikes. We have carried out petrologic and sulfur isotopic analyses of sulfide and sulfate minerals and whole rocks from the core in order to place constraints on the geochemistry of sulfur during hydrothermal alteration of ocean crust. The nearly 600 m-thick pillow section has lost sulfur to seawater and has net δ 34 S = −1.8%. due to degassing of SO 2 during crystallization and subsequent low temperature interaction with seawater. Hydrothermally altered rocks in the 200 m-thick transition zone are enriched in S and 34S (4300 ppm and +3.0 ± 1.2%., respectively), whereas the more than 500 m of sheeted dikes contain 720 ppm S with δ 34 S = +0.6 ± 1.4%.. These data are consistent with the presence of predominantly basaltic sulfur in hydrothermal fluids deep in the crust: following precipitation of anhydrite during seawater recharge, small amounts of seawater sulfate were reduced at temperatures > 250°C through conversion of igneous pyrrhotite to secondary pyrite and minor oxidation of ferrous iron in the crust. The S- and 34S-enrichments of the transition zone are the results of seawater sulfate reduction and sulfide deposition during subsurface mixing between upwelling hot (up to 350°C) hydrothermal fluids and seawater. Seawater sulfate was probably reduced through oxidation of ferrous iron in hydrothermal fluids and in the transition zone rocks. Alteration of the upper crust resulted in loss of basaltic sulfur to seawater, fixation of minor seawater sulfur in the crust and redistribution of magmatic sulfur within the crust. This caused net increases in sulfur content and δ 34 S of the upper 1.8 km of the oceanic crust.

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