
The taxonomy, host range and geographical distribution ofOligolecithus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960, a genus of telorchiid digeneans fromXenopus spp. in Africa, is reviewed.O. jonkershoekensis Pritchard, 1964 is established as a junior synonym ofO. elianae Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960, andO. siluranae n. sp. is described fromX. tropicalis in Ghana. These two species are differentiated by variations in body length, testicular arrangement and ventral sucker width in proportion to body size.O. elianae occurs inX. laevis laevis from South Africa and Zimbabwe (new locality record),X. l. poweri from Zaire,X. l. victorianus from Zaire, Uganda and Rwanda (new locality record),X. l. bunyoniensis (new host record) from Uganda andX. l. sudanensis from Sudan (new host and locality record). It is also found inX. wittei from Uganda and Zaire andX. vestitus (new host record) from Uganda. The host ofO. siluranae belongs to a separate species group within the genusXenopus from the hosts ofO. elianae; this “tropicalis” group is phylogenetically isolated, but it also occurs in a different biotype, lowland tropical rain forest, ecologically distinct from the other known host species.

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