
This paper deals with the taxonomic revision of the genus Zanthoxylum Linn. as occurring in India. A total number of 13 species is recognised in the area, of which 3 specics, Z. burkillianum Babu, Z. nepalense Babu and Z. pseudoxyphyllum Babu are new to science. Z. nitidum (Roxb.) DC. is recorded for the first time from Andaman Islands. Z. myriacanthum Wall, ex Hook. f. and Z. tomentellum Hook. f. are new records to Sikkim and Assam H malayas respectively. The description of Z. tomentellum Hook. f. is imended. Z. acanthopodium DC. var. timbor Hook. f. and Z. hamiltonianum Wall, ex Hook. f. var. tomentosum Hook. f. are reduced to synonyms of Z. acanthopodium DC. and Z. nitidum (Roxb.) DC., respectively. Z. nitidim Wall, semu Hook. f. is deleted from the synonymy of Toddalia asiatica (Linn.) Lamk. and ascertained to Z. nitidum (Roxb.) DC. Each species is described in detail, and its synonymy, flowering and fruiting times, distribution, uses, etc. are ascertained. Lectotypes for Z. oxyphyllum Edgew., Z. tetraspermum Wt. and Z. tomentellum Hook. f. are designated for the first time.

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