
Abstract Ipomoea has a cosmopolitan distribution, being more diverse in the tropics. It is the largest genus of Convolvulaceae, containing about 700 species, with more than a half occurring in the Americas. Approximately 150 species occur in Brazil, of which 80 are found in the Northeast region. The state of Rio Grande do Norte is considered one of the least floristically known in Brazil. This study was based on field expeditions and analysis of specimens from the herbaria. Thirty-tree species were found, with eight new records for the study area: Ipomoea chiquitensis, I. cynanchifolia, I. goyazensis, I. grandifolia, I. magna, I. queirozii, I. ramosissima and I. syringifolia. An identification key, genus and species descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps are presented.


  • Melastomataceae, the tenth most diverse angiosperm family in the world, comprise 177 genera and ca. 5,750 species distributed mostly in tropical and subtropical regions (Michelangeli et al 2020)

  • Melastomataceae species can be recognized by their leaves that lack stipules and are simple and opposite or verticillate, with venation that is often acrodromous to eventually brochidodromous (BFG 2018)

  • These numbers are based on initial studies in areas of dense ombrophilous forest (Goldenberg & Reginato 2006; Meirelles & Goldenberg 2012; Iglesias & Dutra 2017) and restinga (Souza et al 2016), followed by more detailed studies of Miconia (Bacci et al 2016), Behuria, Cambessedesia, Dolichoura, Huberia and Merianthera (Bochorny & Goldenberg 2017) and Bertolonia (Bacci et al 2017)

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Melastomataceae, the tenth most diverse angiosperm family in the world, comprise 177 genera and ca. 5,750 species distributed mostly in tropical and subtropical regions (Michelangeli et al 2020). Terminal; flowers 5-merous, pedicel up to 1 mm long; bracteoles 1–2 × 0.5–1 mm, elliptic, inermis; hypanthium 2 × 2–3 mm, glabrescent; calyx lobes widely triangular, deciduous in fruit; petals white, glabrescent, rounded to obovate, apex obtuse to mucronate; stamens 10, dimorphic; filaments 2.5–3 mm long, glabrescent, connective prolonged; anthers 2–3 mm long, poricidal, white; ovary inferior, ca.

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