
The taxonomy of Freylinia Pangella ex Colla (Scrophulariaceae) is revised and eight species are recognised. Each species is fully described, with complete nomenclature, typification, ecological notes, and an updated conservation assessment. The subtropical F. tropica S.Moore is segregated as the new sect. Tropicae J.C.Manning, defined by axillary inforescences and flowers with a glandular corolla tube. The remaining species from temperate South Africa share terminal inflorescences and eglandular corollas. Within this group two sections are recognised. Sect. Freylinia comprises the type of the genus F. lanceolata (L.f.) G.Don, and is readily segregated on the basis of its sessile foliage and small capsules, whereas the remaining, strictly shrubby species share petiolate foliage and larger capsules and are recognised as sect. Macrocarpae J.C.Manning. The latter section includes several highly local endemics, most of them of conservation concern, and among which we propose several taxonomic changes. The most significant of these are the inclusion of F. vlokii Van Jaarsv. in F. undulata (L.f.) Benth., and a reappraisal of the identity F. longiflora Benth., which is recognised here as an earlier name for F. helmei Van Jaarsv. The new species F. brevistyla J.C.Manning & N.A.Helme is accordingly described for the populations that were previously misidentified as F. longiflora, and which are readily distinguished from all other species by their short style and unique, obtuse hairs in the corolla throat. This taxon was thought to be restricted to the Hottentots Holland Mtns near Elgin but a recent collection from the northern foothills of the Klein River Mtns represents a significant range extension. Finally, examination of the type of F. undulata var. macrophylla Hiern. shows it to be misplaced in the genus and we identify it as a synonym of Selago myrtifolia Rchb.

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