
This paper presents the collection of the genus Aurinia Desv. species in ZA and ZAHO herbaria. The revision and the analyses of the material are presented. Herbarium specimens from these two herbaria were digitized and the data from the original herbarium labels were inserted in the Flora Croatica Database. A total of 203 herbarium sheets were digitized and nine taxa (A. corymbosa Griesb., A. leucadea (Guss.) K. Koch ssp. leucadea, A. leucadea (Guss.) K. Koch ssp. media (Host) Plazibat, A. petraea (Ard.) Schur, A. petraea (Ard.) Schur ssp. microcarpa (Vis.) Plazibat, A. saxatilis (L.) Desv., A. saxatilis (L.) Desv. ssp. orientalis (Ard.) T. R. Dudley, A. saxatilis (L.) Desv. ssp. saxatilis, A. sinuata (L.) Griseb.) were registered within studied collections. The specimens originate from 16 European countries and the majority of herbarium sheets were collected in Croatia. The majority of specimens were collected between 1900s and 1950s. The comparison between the recorded distribution data in the Flora Croatica Database and the distribution based on herbarium specimens is made and the herbarium specimens generally well represent the distribution range of studied taxa.


  • U radu je prikazana zastupljenost vrsta roda Aurinia Desv. u sklopu herbarijskih zbirki ZA i ZAHO

  • I nt r oduct i on Aurinia Desv. is a genus belonging to the tribe Alysseae DC. (Brassicaceae), which has the centre of origin and diversity in south-eastern Europe

  • All herbarium specimens were mounted onto new herbarium sheets and the original metadata from all herbarium labels were included in the Flora Croatica Database (FCD) as described in Šegota et al (2017)

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U radu je prikazana zastupljenost vrsta roda Aurinia Desv. u sklopu herbarijskih zbirki ZA i ZAHO. The circumscription of the genus was recently revised and the monophyletic Aurinia comprises four species endemic to Balkan Peninsula (A. corymbosa Griseb., A. gionae (Quézel & Contandr.) Greuter & Burde, A. moreana Tzanoud. & Iatroú and A. petraea (Ard.) Schur), two species spanning Balkan and Apennine Peninsulas (A. leucadea (Guss.) K.Koch and A. sinuata (L.) Griseb.) and one species being more widespread, extending its range from the Balkan Peninsula to central Europe and Asia Minor (A. saxatilis (L.) Desv.) (Rešetnik et al 2013, Španiel et al 2015). Recent phylogenetic studies of the tribe Alysseae revealed that the relationships among and delimitation of extant Aurinia species are not resolved and are hampered by incongruences between nuclear and plastid DNA data, probably as a result of hybridisation or incomplete lineage sorting (Rešetnik et al 2013). The aim of this paper is to: 1) determine the number, origin and the age of herbarium sheets, and 2) provide comparison between their recorded natural distributions in Croatia and the distribution data based on herbarium specimens

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