
Anisoscelis currently comprises nine species and has been recorded from Texas (here recorded for the first time) on the south of the United States of North America across Mexico, Central and South America, but absent in Chile and the Great and Lesser Antilles; Anisoscelis (Bitta) flavolineatus Blanchard, 1849 is placed in synonym under Anisoscelis (Bitta) alipes Guérin-Méneville, 1831, and Anisoscelis (Bitta) flavolineatus osunai Brailovsky and Mayorga, 1995 is placed in synonymy under Anisoscelis (Bitta) hymenipherus Westwood, 1840; Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) marginellus (Dallas) previously considered a subspecies under Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) foliaceus (Fabricius) is removed to specific rank; a new species A. (Bitta) luridus from México is described. Photographs of dorsal habitus and parameres and key to the known species are included. New distributional records for most of the species are given; food plants records are included with an apparent trophic preferences for member of the genus Passiflora. A complete checklist, with subgeneric position of each species is given.

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